With the month of Elul just a few weeks away, we are excited to update you on our plans for the High Holy Days 5781. While these holidays will certainly be different than what we have experienced in the past, we are offering a collection of meaningful worship, spiritual, and community experiences to mark this season of renewal and faith. Below is a guide to our High Holy Days experiences, with more to follow!
Our High Holy Days services will take place online via Live Stream, but this will not be just another streaming or Zoom experience. We are dedicated to creating an engaging, multi-sensory, and meaningful viewing experience for members of all ages. Note: In order to access our High Holy Days services, all households must have accounts in good standing. For more information see the Membership Commitment form.
This year, we will be honoring our loved ones in a digital Book of Memory, which will be presented at Yizkor Service and shared with the community online. You may choose to submit the names of loved ones or, new this year, you have the option of also submitting photos and a short message (here's is a sample of what that looks like). Please make your submissions by September 24!
Despite its challenges, 5780 has brought so much joy and happiness—births, graduations, B'nei Mitzvah, new jobs, and much more. We are excited to celebrate these many milestones in our new A Year in the Life digital book! You are invited to submit a short message and photos to commemorate this past year. We will then take your submission, design a page (see example), and share on RH!
While we are not able to celebrate the High Holy Days together in our beautiful Sanctuary, we are opening our sacred space to our community to visit. Each member household is invited to sign up for a 15-minute slot to come visit the Sanctuary. Also, during the visit, you can choose to have a family photo taken by a photographer in front of our new mosaic (the photo costs $54).
Please join Rabbi Berry and Cantor Shafritz this evening at 8 PM on Zoom for a Tisha b’Av Observance to study, sing, and reflect. (password: TS@Home)
Singalong & Havdalah
Join Cantor Shafritz and sing along to your camp and youth group favorites, followed by havdalah! This Saturday at 7 PM on Facebook Live!
Madrich Information Session
Madrichim (classroom assistants) play an essential role in our learning programs at Temple Shalom, supporting and guiding our younger students. We welcome all TS teens in grades 8 and up to become a Madrich. We are holding a Madrich Information Session on Wednesday, August 5 at 7:30pm on Zoom for teens to learn more about becoming a Madrich for next year! (password: TS@Home)
The 12 Steps and Preparing for the High Holy Days with Rabbi Jen Gubitz & Dr. Ellen Glovsky Sunday, Sep 15th 1:00p to 2:30p Explore the profound connections between the 12-Step program and the Jewish High Holy Days. This thought-provoking program delves into themes of introspection, repentance, and spiritual growth, offering insights into how these two traditions can complement and enrich each other. Discover how the principles of the 12 Steps can provide a framework for understanding and navigating the emotional and spiritual challenges of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Whether you are part of a 12 steps Fellowship (such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon for family members) or are curious to learn more about them, we invite you to gather with Rabbi Jen Gubitz and Dr. Ellen Glovsky, Temple Shalom congregant, for shared learning and exploration.